
We Together: A Communication of Stormont Vail Health (Mar 07, 2023)

Dear Community Partners,

Here are today’s updates:

  • Chris Buesing Named Ingram’s Hero in Healthcare
  • Launching “Just Another Magnet Monday” Podcast
  • Stormont Vail Leaders Meet with High School Students
  • Janis Holiwell is Stormont Vail Person of the Moment
  • Children’s Miracle Network: March Bingo Charity
  • Current Status at Stormont Vail Health

Chris Buesing Named Ingram’s Hero in Healthcare

Congratulations to Chris Buesing, Director of Workers Compensation and Workplace Safety, who was named a Hero in Healthcare in Ingram’s Magazine February 2023 edition.

Not many people take their work commitment to the level Chris has done. Chris was seriously injured in a workplace violence incident five years ago and from that experience understands how it can impact a person emotionally and physically. He turned a bad situation into a positive opportunity for our organization by taking the lead in addressing workplace violence and is now chair of the Stormont Vail Health Workplace Violence Committee.

Chris believes education is a key to addressing workplace violence and that it should be discussed and dealt with. Chris recently testified at the Kansas Legislature’s House Judiciary Committee about House Bill 2023 to increase penalties for violence against health care workers and to create misdemeanor and felony crimes for interfering with a hospital as it carries out its duties.

Congratulations to Chris, for being named an Ingram’s Hero in Healthcare, and for being a part of the solution to better protect our team and other healthcare professionals in our state.

Launching “Just Another Magnet Monday” Podcast

We are pleased to release a Stormont Vail Health podcast, called “Just Another Magnet Monday.” This podcast will be released every Monday for 10 weeks in preparation for the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Magnet site visit this spring as we prepare for Stormont Vail’s fourth Magnet designation.

Each Monday, Chief Nursing Officer Carol Perry, and MollyPatt Eyestone, Communications Supervisor, will join an experienced nurse at Stormont Vail to discuss the latest developments in nursing practice, research, and education at Stormont Vail, as well as talk openly and honestly about the challenges and rewards of working in this fast-paced and rapidly evolving field.  No matter your role at Stormont Vail, this podcast is sure to provide valuable insights and inspiration. Here’s what you can expect from episode 1.

Episode 1: Who in the Healthcare is Carol Perry?

Who in the Healthcare is Chief Nursing Officer Carol Perry?! Listen to episode one of Just Another Magnet Monday Podcast to get to know Carol Perry, how she got her nursing career started, and some secrets you may not know about her. Jill Hunt, 5 North Registered Nurse, joins Carol and MollyPatt, and adds how Magnet Designation impacts her career and how she cares for patients.

We will also dive into how Magnet Designated organizations impact patients, what to expect when the Magnet surveyors come to Stormont Vail, and how leading from the heart and working together make a world of difference.

Listen here on You can also listen to Just Another Magnet Monday while you’re on the go, on your personal devices, through Spotify – just search “Just Another Magnet Monday.” (Coming soon to Apple Podcasts)

Stormont Vail Leaders Meet with High School Students

Reaching students in middle school and high school to let them know about the rewards of a healthcare profession has never been more important than now. Our organization is committed to encouraging and supporting younger generations to consider a career in health services to ensure we have caregivers for the future.

A shout out to Senior Vice Presidents Dr. Kevin Dishman, Chief Medical Officer, Kevin Steck, General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer, and Carol Perry, RN, Chief Nursing Officer, who are among several Operating Committee members who in the past few months met with students in the Washburn Rural High School Career and Technical Education program. They met with students in HOSA, a club for future health professions, to share information about various careers and career pathways.

Carol encouraged all students interested in a career in healthcare to earn their CNA to get experience and then to find the career path in health care they are truly passionate about. A certified nurse aide, or CNA, is obtained by completing 90 hours of instruction with students receiving classroom and hands-on clinical experience.

Janis Holiwell is Stormont Vail Person of the Moment

At Stormont Vail, we embrace Small Moments because we know they have a much larger impact than imaginable. Janis Holiwell, COVID Clinic Specialist 2, has been named our February Person of the Moment because of the Small Moments she gives our patients through her compassion, thoughtfulness, and care.

“During her vaccine appointment, a patient mentioned that her mother recently passed away and she had been feeling pretty depressed. Janis took a good amount of time talking with her about it, right there in the moment, and raised her spirits.

“But then when Janis went home, she hand-wrote a condolence card letting the patient know she was in her prayers, and mailed it to her at her home. The patient was incredibly touched, saying it helped to know someone out there cared about her.”

This is just one example of how Janis Holiwell gives her all for our patients every day. Congratulations, Janis!

Children’s Miracle Network: March Bingo Charity

Prairie Band Casino is benefitting Stormont Vail’s Children’s Miracle Network program this month for its March Charity Bingo Games. During March, all buy-in package include one charity game with 50% of sales for the month going to a local charity. Additional games can be purchased and direct donations can be made as well. Funds raised for Children’s Miracle Network at Stormont Vail support medical advancements in the neonatal unit and pediatric units, which allows our children’s services to thrive with the extra support. Through the help of our local fundraising programs and partners, often fundraising $1 at a time, amazing medical care is happening in our community every day.

Current Status at Stormont Vail Health

The weekly COVID-19 scorecard is posted on the Stormont Vail website. Here are highlights are from the scorecard:

  • 12 inpatients are COVID-19 positive. This is similar to 13 last week.
  • 97% of recent COVID-19 admissions are unvaccinated or had last dose/booster more than 6 months ago.
  • COVID-19 inpatient discharges (previous week): 21. Deaths: 1.
  • 7 COVID-19 positive patients in the outpatient Enhanced Primary Care program.
  • 10.8% of people tested for COVID-19 at Stormont Vail facilities the past seven days were positive. That is the same as last week.
  • 16 team members and 1 providers on contact leave for COVID-19. The total of 17 people on contact leave this week compares to 21 last week.
  • 111,606 vaccinations (included boosters) administered.
  • To schedule a COVID-19 vaccine appointment:

We together,
Dr. Kenagy

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We Together: A Communication of Stormont Vail Health


We Together: A Communication of Stormont Vail Health


We Together: A Communication of Stormont Vail Health


We Together: A Communication of Stormont Vail Health
