
COVID-19 Update (08.16.2021)

Dear Community Partners,

Demand for adult inpatient beds continues to outpace supply. Like most healthcare organizations in Kansas we are facing staffing challenges, which means we are unable to take all of the patients needing a transfer for hospital care. Because the COVID-19 surge is widespread across the Midwest, the situation is further exacerbated.

From Friday through Sunday, we accepted 13 transfer patients, consulted on another 8, and were unable to accept 24 patients. The patients we were unable to take had a variety of medical needs, from COVID-19 to fractures to stroke. The requests came from across Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri. Of the patients we accepted, three were pediatric patients and 10 adults. They came from hospitals in Kansas and one in Oklahoma.

Our reality has changed from what we faced during earlier surges of the pandemic. This time, healthcare workers are caring for a higher percentage of younger adult patients than last winter. At that time, about 50 to 60 percent of COVID-19 positive inpatients were age 65 or older, and that has dropped to 33 percent. The percentage of those in the 18- to 44-year old age group we are caring for has doubled, and there is an increase in patients aged 45- to 64-year old group as well. The majority of patients are unvaccinated, especially those needing higher levels of care.

We are past the time to debate the merits of the vaccine, wearing of facemasks, social distancing and avoiding crowds. Those who choose not to follow precautions to stay safe from the virus are taking a risk with their own health and those around them.

Here are today’s updates:

  • COVID-19 Scorecard (Scorecard: English | Spanish)
  • COVID-19 Vaccines
  • Mission Wood Respiratory Clinic Reopening

COVID-19 Scorecard

Here’s a look at today’s COVID-19 scorecard:

  • We have 48 inpatients who are COVID-19 positive. The percentage of hospital patients who are unvaccinated is 85%. Vaccinated is defined as fully vaccinated individuals for greater than 14 days since the last immunization.
  • From the previous day – COVID-19 inpatient discharges: 8. Deaths: 0.
  • We have 90 COVID-19 positive patients in the outpatient Enhanced Primary Care program.
  • The percentage of patients testing positive for COVID-19 at Stormont Vail facilities the past seven days is 21.9% percent. The percent of positive cases who are unvaccinated is 83%.

COVID-19 Vaccines

  • We have administered 87,241 vaccinations, which includes first and second doses of the vaccine.
  • All Kansans age 12 and older are eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.
  • COVID-19 vaccines are available through the Stormont Vail Retail Pharmacy, 2252 S.W. 10th
  • To schedule a COVID-19 vaccine appointment:
  • Walk-ins are welcome from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Mission Wood Respiratory Clinic Reopening

Effective today, the respiratory clinic at Mission Woods near S.W. 29th and Urish Road has reopened,. This clinic will serve patients of all ages who need evaluation and treatment, and have been identified as a Person Under Investigation (PUI) for a COVID-19 infection and cannot be seen in their primary care provider’s office. Appointments are needed and can be made by calling your primary care provider’s office or the Call Before You Go line at (785) 354-6000.

We have other locations across our system in northeast Kansas for the evaluation and testing for individuals who are having COVID-19 symptoms. (All ExpressCare Clinics, Oskaloosa, Wamego, Manhattan, Emporia, Osage City and Carbondale.) Please contact the Call Before You Go line or your primary care provider office for triage and further directions.

We together,
Robert Kenagy, MD

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