
General Election 2022: Inpatient Voting

Dear Patient,

If you are a registered voter in Shawnee County, and want to vote in the General Election on Tuesday November 8th, we want to make sure you have the ability to do so while under our care. Due to voting regulations, there are a few steps we must follow to ensure your vote is counted.

If you are a registered voter in Shawnee County, and want to vote on Tuesday, November 8th, and do not think you will be discharged in time to do so, please notify the Unit Charge Nurse to complete the appropriate forms.

All forms will need to be completed by 8:00 a.m. Tuesday morning.

If you have an advanced ballot already, but are unable to access it at this time, please let the Unit Charge Nurse know so they can complete an Affidavit of Assistance (AV5) form and bring you an application to fill out, ensuring a replacement ballot.

Everyone will be required to furnish ONE (1) of the following identifications in order to complete the advance voting ballot:

(1) Kansas Driver’s License (number only) or

(2) Kansas State Identification Card (number only)

(If you do not physically have either ID, Stormont Vail Health may have this on file as part of your registration)

If you have not received a ballot previous to your admission at Stormont Vail, a ballot will be brought to you by a team member. They will pick up your completed ballot before end of day and take it to the election office.

For those filling out an application for a replacement ballot, please let a team member know when the application is complete and patient services will come collect the application, take it to the election office, and return with your replacement ballot. When you have completed your replacement ballot, it will be picked up by a team member and returned to the election office.

If you are discharged before you have received or completed a ballot, please call the Patient Experience office at (785) 354-6277 before leaving the building. We will arrange a time for you to obtain your requested ballot.

Finally, if you know you will be discharged with time to visit an election office in person, please vote on your way home.

For questions or concerns regarding these regulations, please call our Patient Experience office at (785) 354-6277.

Thank you,

Patient Experience
[email protected]

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