
International Women’s Day: Tracy Bredow

Happy International Women’s Day! On March 8, we are celebrating the achievements and contributions of women around the world.

To celebrate, meet an outstanding nurse who has paved her own way forward for nearly four decades as a caregiver – Tracy Bredow.

Tracy is a proud charge nurse in the Stormont Vail Health Birthplace and cannot imagine working in any other profession.

She started her nursing career with a nursing diploma degree, but later decided it was time to go back to school. Tracy earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree in December of 2021. When you ask who or what inspired Tracy to become a nurse, she thanks the nurses at Stormont Vail.

“I had just graduated high school and a friend of mine was hospitalized here,” said Tracy. “After sitting with him throughout the day and watching the nurses care for him, I thought, ‘I could do that.’ I then changed my classes to pre-nursing and here I am 37 years later!”

Tracy’s hope for the future of nursing is to allow for continued and more time being able to care and bond with patients.

“Beside nurses are the foundation of healthcare!”

Tracy has much to celebrate on this International Women’s Day and will start with celebrating her daughter’s birthday – another woman in the world who can make a difference no matter what she does!

Here’s to women everywhere – may we continue to empower and inspire each other!

In celebration of International Women’s Day, meet another Tracy (Duran) at Stormont Vail who is paving the way to excellence!

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