
We Together: A Communication of Stormont Vail Health

Jan. 7, 2025

Dear Community Partners,

Here are today’s updates:

  • Thank You to All Who Assisted During Extreme Winter Weather
  • Team Members Get Helping Hand (and Ride)
  • Spreading Cheer Through Holiday Cards

Thank You to All Who Assisted During Extreme Winter Weather

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our incredible team members, their families and others in the community who demonstrated unwavering commitment during the recent unprecedented winter weather. From those who braved the snow on foot to reach our Topeka and Junction City hospitals for work, stayed overnight to be onsite and available to work, stepped up to cover extra hours and shifts, and offered rides to peers, your care for one another and the community is nothing short of inspiring and amazing.

To Jasmine Scripter, Keisha Langvardt, Chase Ridder, Nicole Lapinksi, Dr. Crane, Dr. Butler, Dr. Weller, Kim Robinson, Brittney Engel, Brett Graham, Janet Melia, Bryce Turner, Shelly D’Attilio, husbands of Richelle Rumford and Angie Gamber, Jennifer Bauman, Tim Shultz, Tim Kohls, Eric McHardie, Richard Nichols, John “Sam” Medrano, Misty Hockenbarger, Bruce Voigt, Chad Deval, Ray Pixler, Ron Dean, Page Bachman, Steve Taylor, Lacey Kelly, Michelle Budreau, Schuyler Clark, Ruth DeLa Cruz, Nicole and Brett Graham, Flint Hills ER Staff, Kitchen Staff, Facilities Staff, and every one – named or unnamed – who contributed to this collective effort, thank you for showing what it means to put people first. Together, we embodied to the true spirit of care and support in our community.

Stormont Vail is truly a special place and it’s because of our team. One of our physicians noted that our nurses have a commitment that “is beyond any reasonable expectation.” He noted, “You have an innumerable number of them sleeping on cots and Sleep Center and random call spots repeatedly. They are unbelievable and truly are exceptional.” The hard times are always the times we see our team shine the brightest! Thank you to all team members for always providing excellent care to our patients and


Team Members Get Helping Hand (and Ride)

Pediatric nurse Jordan Eno was willing to work an extra shift Sunday night at Stormont Vail’s Topeka hospital, but blizzard conditions made it impossible to get to work. Roadways were icy and  snow packed, with snow still coming.

Jordan contacted her department and asked if they could help her find a way to work. Arrangements were made and a Shawnee County Sheriff’s vehicle pulled up to give Jordan a ride to work. After arriving at the Topeka hospital and she thanked the driver.

I never got a ride from a sheriff’s deputy before,” Jordan says she told the driver. “Then he said, I’m not a deputy. I’m the sheriff.” Jordan’s driver was Shawnee County Sheriff Brian Hill. Along with Captain Dan Lotridge, the two  provided support over the weekend in transporting some Stormont Vail team members to work, ensuring we could continue providing excellent care to our patients without critical staffing shortages.

The “firsts” for Jordan didn’t stop there. She asked the sheriff if she could take a “selfie” with him. She later shared the photo with friends and posted it on a private social media page. As nothing is private on social media, it ended up on the Shawnee County Sheriff’s Department Facebook page. Jordan was then contacted by a CNN producer working on a story about disruptions caused by the blizzard.

“I’ve never been interviewed by CNN before either, so I got a lot of things crossed off the bingo card,” Jordan said. Jordan shared that healthcare workers, first responders, law enforcement, and others providing 24/7 services are all a part of the puzzle that keeps a community safe and healthy. Thank you, Jordan, for helping out during challenging time, and thank you to the Sheriff’s Department for the rides.

Spreading Cheer Through Holiday Cards

Over the holidays “Operation Christmas Card Drop” took place whenseveral members from Stormont Vail Health’s Care Transformation team delivered holiday cards created by children from Building Blocks Daycare to area care centers. Residents of Valley View, Junction City; Via Christi Village, Manhattan; Brookside, Overbrook; Lexington Park and Healthcare Resort in Topeka were the recipients of the handmade cards.

“The residents loved the cards coming from the children at the day care,” said Angie Suther, social worker. Added RN Care Manager Barb Sollner, “Some people said that this was their first Christmas card.”  The care centers were appreciative of the cards. There were many reports of smiles and even a few happy tears. Several residents commented on how they loved the artwork, especially the little hand and footprints on the cards, others proudly displayed them in their rooms.

We together,

Dr. K

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We Together: A Communication of Stormont Vail Health


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We Together: A Communication of Stormont Vail Health
