
We Together: A Communication of Stormont Vail Health (Aug 11, 2022)

Dear Community Partners,

Here are today’s updates:

  • Freddy Cooper, M.D., Joins Stormont Vail
  • Volunteer Opportunity, United Way, Nancy Perry Day of Caring
  • Walk with a Doc This Saturday: Dr. Wael Khreiss
  • Current Status at Stormont Vail Health

Freddy Cooper, M.D., Joins Stormont Vail

Stormont Vail Health is proud to announce that Freddy Cooper, M.D., has joined our medical team and will practice as a primary care physician specializing in outpatient internal medicine.

Dr. Cooper has spent time all over the world and credits his background to who he is today. He was born in Mumbai, India, where he completed most of his schooling before moving to the U.S. for his residency. Dr. Cooper says making a difference in the community by helping people with their health care needs, talking with people, and understanding and sharing other people’s experiences is the best part of his job.

“Most of how you will practice is about what you hear from the patient. Just by listening to the patient and understanding concerns, giving empathy, showing empathy, and just making sure that someone is listening to them to help guide decisions is about 90% of what I believe my job is,” he says.

Dr. Cooper has a passion for providing the best patient care he can and helping others lead healthy and happy lives. Welcome Dr. Cooper, we are happy you’re here!

Volunteer Opportunity, United Way, Nancy Perry Day of Caring


What: Nancy Perry Day of Caring

The Nancy Perry Day of Caring is an annual volunteering event, hosted by the United Way of Greater Topeka, and sponsored by Stormont Vail Health, and other community partners, as a way to give back to local community.

When: Sept. 23, 2022 – 9 a.m. – Noon and/or 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Who: Stormont Vail Team Members

Volunteering must be done on your day off, and/or with supervisor approved PTO.

Where: Locations will be determined and announced soon.


Walk with a Doc This Saturday: Dr. Wael Khreiss

The community is invited to this Saturday’s Walk with a Doc when Dr. Wael Khreiss will lead a walk through Washburn University. Dr. Khreiss will share information prior to the walk about bariatrics and healthy weight loss. The walk will be 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. The walk is free and no pre-registration is needed. Attendees are asked to park in the Lee Arena parking lot and meet on the east side of Lee Arena.

Current Status at Stormont Vail Health

The weekly COVID-19 scorecard is posted on the Stormont Vail website. Here are highlights are from the scorecard:

  • 12 inpatients are COVID-19 positive. That’s down from 17 last week.
  • 93% of recent COVID-19 admissions are unvaccinated or had last dose/booster more than 6 months ago.
  • COVID-19 inpatient discharges (previous week): 31. Deaths: 2.
  • 6 COVID-19 positive patients in the outpatient Enhanced Primary Care program.
  • 25% of people tested for COVID-19 at Stormont Vail facilities the past seven days were positive. That is similar to last week.
  • 62 team members and 10 providers on contact leave for COVID-19. The total of 72 people on contact leave this week compares to 65 last week.
  • 106,213 vaccinations (included boosters) administered.
  • To schedule a COVID-19 vaccine appointment:

We together,
Dr. Kenagy

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We Together: A Communication of Stormont Vail Health


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We Together: A Communication of Stormont Vail Health
